
Announcements for September 2024

  • $420.00 was collected from the August Communion offering for the Food Bank.
  • $453.59 was collected for the LAMA Backpack Program during the August Noisy Offering.
  • If anyone would like a paper copy of the approved July Church Council minutes and the financial report, please contact the church office.
  • Faith Based Recovery meetings are now held in the front room of the Outreach Building each evening (except Tuesdays) beginning at 7:00 p.m. Please let anyone who needs this information know.

 Double bagged plastic bags are needed for the Food Bank ministry and can be dropped off at the church office. (On average, we need 2,200 plastic bags per month.)  

September is Petrie’s month to donate to the Interfaith Center.  They are currently requesting jelly and canned foods: soups, chili, and spaghetti and meatballs. You may drop donations off at Petrie or take directly to the Interfaith Center.

Celebrate Recovery – Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at POPS!

Visit our booth at the Elkton Harvest Fest on September 28.