- 227 families were served through the Food Bank program in June. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped in any way. Double bagged plastic bags are needed and can be dropped off at the church office.
- $285.00 was collected for the MidSouth Annual Conference Mission Offering from the June Communion offering.
- $520.00 was collected for Celebrate Recovery during the June Noisy Offering.
- The communion offering for July will support the Todd County Backpack program which provides weekend meals to Todd County students.
- Start saving your loose change for the July 14 Noisy Offering which will support the VBS Clean Water Mission Project.
- A 6-month financial statement for your YTD contributions will be mailed at the beginning of July. If anyone has questions, please contact the church office.
- If anyone would like a hard copy of the approved Church Council minutes and the May Financial report, please contact the church office.
Mark Walz
Mark Walz2024-07-15 08:01:322024-07-15 08:01:34Announcements for July 2024
Sermon: “The Prayer of a Christlike Leader” – Week #1 in the...Sermon: Todd Co. CR Testimony by Phillip Clemons
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