For anyone attending a college, university, vocational or technical school for the 2022/2023 calendar year, you can apply for the Petrie Memorial UMC Endowment Scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to applicants who meet the requirements and submit a completed application prior to JUNE 1st. Please contact the church office for an application. Applications must be completed on an annual basis.
Graduate Recognition Sunday is scheduled for May 15 where we will recognize our students who will promote or graduate in 2022. If a name hasn’t been submitted to the church office yet, please let us know no later than May 1. 18:49:122022-04-23 18:49:12Recognition for Promotions/Graduations
If any children or youth are interested in going to summer camp this year, please contact Demetria for information on specific camps and camp dates. Petrie will pay up to 50% of camp fees, but we need to know by May 1 to pay out the scholarship.
During 2022, Petrie Memorial UMC will be celebrating 200 years.
During the month of April, the Petrie United Methodist Women made boxes for the congregation to collect 200 coins each for Kentucky United Methodist Children’s Homes.
Spread the word! The Gap Series at the POPs building. This service is very, very casual. Lots of praise and worship music. The service begins at 5:00 p.m. Come one, come all, just as you are!!!
January 2 – Politics & Religion – Todd Mansfield
January 9 – Understanding Racism – Demetria Snorton
January 16 – Understanding White Privilege – Demetria Snorton
January 23 – My Journey as A Gay Christian – Robert Martin
January 30 – 5th Sunday LAMA Service 14:41:032021-12-30 14:41:03Bible Study: “The Gap Series”
Please remember to turn BACK your clocks and not miss church!!! 21:51:502021-10-28 21:54:24Turn Back Your Clocks
VBS register now!!!
/in NewsEndowment Scholarship
/in NewsFor anyone attending a college, university, vocational or technical school for the 2022/2023 calendar year, you can apply for the Petrie Memorial UMC Endowment Scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to applicants who meet the requirements and submit a completed application prior to JUNE 1st. Please contact the church office for an application. Applications must be completed on an annual basis.
Recognition for Promotions/Graduations
/in NewsGraduate Recognition Sunday is scheduled for May 15 where we will recognize our students who will promote or graduate in 2022. If a name hasn’t been submitted to the church office yet, please let us know no later than May 1.
Summer Camp
/in NewsIf any children or youth are interested in going to summer camp this year, please contact Demetria for information on specific camps and camp dates. Petrie will pay up to 50% of camp fees, but we need to know by May 1 to pay out the scholarship.
Church Office (270) 265-2298
April UMW Collection
/in NewsDuring 2022, Petrie Memorial UMC will be celebrating 200 years.
During the month of April, the Petrie United Methodist Women made boxes for the congregation to collect 200 coins each for Kentucky United Methodist Children’s Homes.
Bible Study: “The Gap Series”
/in NewsSpread the word! The Gap Series at the POPs building. This service is very, very casual. Lots of praise and worship music. The service begins at 5:00 p.m. Come one, come all, just as you are!!!
January 2 – Politics & Religion – Todd Mansfield
January 9 – Understanding Racism – Demetria Snorton
January 16 – Understanding White Privilege – Demetria Snorton
January 23 – My Journey as A Gay Christian – Robert Martin
January 30 – 5th Sunday LAMA Service
Turn Back Your Clocks
/in NewsPlease remember to turn BACK your clocks and not miss church!!!