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Petrie is Turning 200 in 2022
Petrie Memorial United Methodist Church is turning 200 in 2022. This is an exciting time for Petrie! It is confirmed that Bishop Fairley will be in our worship service on November 13 to help us celebrate. Look for additional information in the days to come.
Sunday School Classes
Petrie Memorial Methodist Church 202 East Main Street, Elkton, KY, United StatesAll are welome to join one of our Sunday School classes from 9:10 - 9:50 a.m.
Petrie’s 200th Anniversary Celebration
Combined worship Service Catered Lunch to follow
WEKT 1070 am broadcast of Sermon
Tune in to WEKT 1070 am on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. for a broadcast of Petrie’s Sunday service.