Children’s Ministry News – Nov. 2024
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Nashville ZOO TRIP
We felt your prayers as we took the children and youth to the Nashville Zoo. The weather was wonderful. The children were extremely well behaved! We had absolutely zero issues! Huge thanks to Jeff and Sandy Power for sponsoring our trip! Thank you to Todd Mansfield for driving the bus; Regina Anderson, Carrie Tobar, Emily Myers, and Patrick Mayes for driving their cars to help transport the children and youth. We had exactly the perfect number of chaperones! It was really a terrific afternoon! Pictures on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.
The children will be doing a community service project by picking up trash at the park.
This will be on Sunday, November 17 following worship. We will eat sandwiches and chips in Fellowship Hall and then head to the park. I will have plenty of rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, and trash bags. We will have play time on the new equipment when we finish. Parent pick up at the park at 2:30.
Community Service
Thank you to everyone that created a fun trunk for our Halloween event. We had eleven trunks! Thank you for donating candy to be handed out! A lot of hot dogs and water were handed out. The Pop’s Building being open for bathrooms, baby changing, and a place to re-group is truly a community service! People are so appreciative!
Time to start thinking about Children’s Church volunteers for January June. I would love for everyone doing Children’s Church now to get a break! It takes two adults and the lessons are easy to follow. Grab a friend and volunteer!
There is always a need for volunteers. Please reach out to me if you feel called to help with the Children’s Program in any way. We will have a place for you. All volunteers much complete the Safe Sanctuary training and a background check. This is painless and takes less than an hour of your time. I am happy to walk you through it if you wish.
Thank you to everyone! You are so giving of your time, talent, and resources!
Looking ahead…
Bell Choir, Nativity Walk, Hanging of the Greens, lots of places for the children to participate in November and December! These are already being planned!