Charting a New Course

By the time you read this, the Convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church may have adjourned. The conference runs from September 20-26 in San Jose, Costa Rica. 

For those who wish to follow along, there is a website,, which has information but also provides access to livestreaming on YouTube.  

Early in the process, there will be seven legislative committees that have been assigned some of the 246 petitions under consideration.  Some of the petitions are simply “housekeeping” in nature (such as dropping the word “provisional” in reference to annual conferences), but others deal with much more consequential matters such as the 49 petitions dealing with the role of bishops, what their duties will be, how they will be utilized in the GMC (or even if they will be utilized) and potential elections.

Later in the conference, the committees will report to the plenary session which will have the final say on legislation.

As we learn more about what has happened at General Conference, and how it impacts us, we will share that information. 

If you are already praying for the conference, please continue to do so.  If not, please start now.  This is an exciting time, a new course is being chartered, and a chapter is being written.  Come Lord Jesus!

Pastor Willard